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Aisling Celtic Band would like to thank all of our supporters.  


Celtic Music Information


The Southern Connecticut Rennaisance Festival


Check out New York's music listings.

Rosendale Street Festival

Rosendale Street Festival needs the help of its local community all year long!

Google Google it.

AOL Aisling Celtic music band is an AOL user.

Links for Aisling Celtic Band

Bonnie Belle

Check out Bonnie Belle's website for a great and talented musician!

Carl Toboika's Artwork

Visit one of our fans- Carl Toboika and his fine art studio or visit our favorite fan gallery at

Wonder Brownie

These guys are amazing.  Be sure to check their website for upcoming shows!!!


Check out current updates for Milestone Festival August 12-14th

Hooley on the Hudson

This is our local community Celtic heritage festival.  Check for updated listings and links.  Come and support Aisling Celtic music band playing traditional and contemporary Irish and Scottish music.

Philadelphia Folk Festival

August 26-28, 2005 in Philadelphia, PA.

Return to the Wildwood Project


Keep checking back for new events!!!

Email Aisling Celtic music band if you would like to appear on our "LINKS" page.